PinnedPublished inHey God …Human Rights Day — 10 NovemberThe current tragedy of genocide in Gaza is yet another evidence of Nakba.Dec 9, 20234Dec 9, 20234
PinnedPublished inPoetry PlaygroundSad side of circusPeople once thought a circus was fun All the children would go there with mum Wild animals did tricks After training with sticks For abuse…Feb 16, 202412Feb 16, 202412
PinnedPublished inWords In The BucketPositive Female Role Models in Children’s LiteratureAre the words our children and young people hear and read and the connotations of their use really significant to their development of…Mar 4, 202210Mar 4, 202210
PinnedAnother blank pageYes, here it comes again — so much white. It ought to be innocuous, oughtn’t it? Instead and in spite of its clean and sterile brightness…Apr 11, 20223Apr 11, 20223
PinnedPublished inHey God …A response to a criticism of today’s youth … *Times have changed, of that there’s no doubt Some facets are better some we’re better withoutNov 25, 202126Nov 25, 202126
So pleased to read this.That we have reached such a parlous situation does not surprise me, though it very much disturbs me. My view is that there is a common and…5d ago15d ago1
It could be the case that Biden was no longer physically and mentally fit for a second term as…However, I think that this sort of implied blame is not useful.Mar 3Mar 3
He and his like might just need such places if they continue their despicable, arrogant and…The Zuckerberg, Musk, Trump and similar powerful and wealthy privileged of this world are, in my view, not worthy or any respect beyond…Feb 4Feb 4
Harry, a simple story which to the shame of a nation is all too redolent of the experience of…Borders are artifacts of division.Jan 23Jan 23