A passionate but not considered or objective commentary.
Stupidity is not the preserve of the famous or those with status. It is ubiquitous.
The majority of accusations of antisemitism that I have heard have been false understanding of interpretation of expressions of concern about the persecution of Palestinians by Israel ever since Palestine was partitioned to give Jews a state of their own.
The Jews are not a nation but a religion and religion conditions those within it, of whatever belief, in division and opposition to other those of other religions. The Jews have been no more persecuted than those of many other religions.
There is an understandable but unfortunate tendency, particularly in the West, for Israel and the Jews as such, to be given an overly sympathetic consideration because of what they suffered in WWII under National Socialism. No caring and compassionate person, whether religious or not, could fail to be distressed about the horrors of the holocaust.
However, one may be excused for thinking that the experience of WWII would have given the Jews, and by definition the Israelis, a deep understanding of suffering of innocents and an abhorrence for those who engage in it. It is therefore not surprising that many 'observers' or 'commentators' are mystified, frustrated or even angry at the genocidal actions of Netanyahu and the Israeli government.
It is indisputable that the Hamas military wing incursion into Israel on 7th October involved fighters who committed war crimes. They should be brought to trial and be accountable.
It is also indisputable that the Israeli response, at Netanyahu's orders, includes many who have or are committing war crimes on a daily basis and that Israel is itself, through Netanyahu and its government, responsible for crimes against humanity.
So, I see your article as thinly veiled propaganda aimed at achieving more wrongful sympathy for a nation whose Prime Minister and his supporters have now clearly become what the West, where others with much less reason, readily describe as terrorists and war criminals.
That the USA is providing funding and armaments is despicable and contrary to all for which it supposedly stands. That other western governments and 'leaders' fail to condemn Israel for its actions is similarly cowardly and despicable.
It is not Jews or the people of Israel, in general that are responsible for this genocide, though many illegal settlers on the West Bank are guilty of crimes, but rather it is the Israeli leadership - Netanyahu in particular. He should be indicted and put on trial.
Israel need not have responded to October 7th in the way it has and it could have halted this horror at any time. Instead it has attacked hospitals, schools, religious buildings, cultural centres, historical treasures, civilians following its orders, ambulances, journalists, artists and more, as far as I can see, purely to satisfy Netanyahu's hatred and desire for vengeance.
Strange - I thought that 'Vengeance is mine, said the Lord' but, not being religious, perhaps I am mistaken. ☮️