Roger Hawcroft
4 min readDec 25, 2023


A Shayens Abran, I'm sorry but I'm not sure of the most appropriate way to address you. As an English person it is the convention to put a forename first, then any middle names and lastly the family name, which in the British culture is that of the father.

I know that is not necessarily the case in all cultures and please excuse me if I'm wrong but your name sounds more Eastern than Western to me, though of course, you could well be a citizen of a western nation but with a different heritage.

I'm sorry, I say too much when trying to explain myself so that my words are not mistaken in their meaning. My point is that I don't know whether to refer to you as 'A' or 'Shayens' or 'Abran', hence my using the name you have on your posts.

I enjoy a lot of what you write and greatly appreciate and am grateful for your thought and effort in putting together the BeOpenClub and in maintaining it.

However, as much as I thank you for your kind good wishes for this time of the year, I can't say that they represent any real value for me. The poem, I find to be yet another misguided and puerile piece which continues the myth of some omnipotent and caring 'god', contrary to all evidence of such an entity's existence. Indeed, humanity has invented over 18,000 gods throughout history and done so for alls sorts of purposes but in virtually every case, for the benefit of those who invented them or hold hierarchical or controlling office within the codes that they misrepresent as being the 'word of (their) god'.

They are all myth. The cults and religions that have developed from them constitute the worst yet most successful examples of human manipulation and conditioning ever. That so many continue to be fooled by their nonsense, contradictions and inanity is testament not to them but to the waste of human intellect and simplistic thought of the majority of humanity - the majority of whom have IQ's below average.

When religions ruled the world before the nation-state came about, they provided some degree of order and expectation that assisted people in a particular group to get along in relative harmony. Even then, however, the tenets of different groups and their claims for the primacy of their gods caused inevitable division and conflict.

In the modern world, as dictatorships, autocracies, democracies and such took over control of mass populations, the religions ensured that they allied themselves with those in power in order to retain their power and influence. They do so to this day, despite all their enormous perfidy, creation of divisive views, conflict, war and horror and tragedy.

Right now we have a monotheistic god's supposed chosen race committing genocide on a disadvantaged people who have been persecuted by those who were illegally granted their lands by powers on the other side of the World and without any consultation. Those same powers have been excusing Israel's bastardry on the grounds that "it has a right to defend itself" and claims that it has a historical right to those lands which the Palestinians held for around 400 years until they made the mistake of assisting the British to oust the Ottomans and then were betrayed.

This supposedly omnipotent and loving 'God' is a pure fiction and nonsense for which there is not a single shred of evidence. On the contrary, if this God actually exists and is omnipotent then there is no reason for over 8000 Palestinian children to have been killed by a merciless 'chosen people' led by a megalomania zionist, Netanyahu. Nor is there any reason for this God to allow any of the rest of the tragedy that befalls humanity from natural disasters, infections, stupidity and so on.

The basic idiocy of such belief is shown by the fact that whenever there is a war, 'God' is on the side of whichever side one supports. In other words, God is on everyone's side but, in fact, as history shows, is on no-ones. Of course this God can't be because this God doesn't exist.

Their is nothing more futile and pathetic to witness than people praying for 'God's' help after a loved one or more have been beaten, imprisoned, enslaved, raped, murdered, or whatever by other humans or had an equally bad fate befall them as a result of a natural disaster. It is ludicrous, immensely stupid and a testament to just how low in intelligence most human beings are and how easily they are manipulated and conditioned.

Humanity will never enjoy peace and goodwill, safety and harmony as long as religions continue to exist and exert the obnoxious influences that they do.

Poems such as yours do nothing to help matters, they just add to the conditioning of already hopelessly infantile and befuddled minds.

I accept that you mean well. Many well motivated and well intentioned people make tragic mistakes or exercise outlandish prejudice or flawed judgment. For that reason and because I know that no-one is perfect and I am far from it, I accept anyone as who they are and do not confuse issues with the person.

Having said that, religion is one issue that humanity needs to address with strength and put to rest for good. Sadly, I doubt that there will be time before humanity either self destructs or destroys the Earth, which will amount to the same thing.

The saddest thing of all, for me, is that all those befuddled and misguided 'believers' will never get to have to accept that they had it all wrong because when they meet their death they will simply cease to be. - No God, no St Peter, no Angels, no Heaven.

Fairy stories are fiction and largely arise from the oral tradition. They can amuse or disturb or satirise or even pass on information but their characters are mythical, their plots contrived to a certain end and they have little relation to reality.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️



Roger Hawcroft
Roger Hawcroft

Written by Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.

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