Abortion is a women's right - not yours.
Your article is scurrilous nonsense dressed up as moral high ground rational argument.
It fails on every count but most importantly in that it ignores the reality that no-one ought to be allowed to dictate what someone else does with their body, let alone someone (or many) who can never know what a particular experience is like for the life of that person.
Your characterisation of the 'Left' is absurd. The Supreme Court made an appalling decision and did so because it was stacked with right-wing ideologues by the worst President in US history, Donald Trump.
That the GOP, with the exception of a lone member of principle, dishonoured its duty in the impeachment of Trump by voting as a Party rather than on conscience, as is required, is evidence enough of the hypocrisy & lack of intellect or principle of the 'Right Wing', GOP.
The fact that it has just voted down a Bill to legalise abortion across the nation provides similar evidence.
You falsely invoke science to give your argument credibility and rationality yet do so with no more actual relevance or veracity than a tv commercial with someone in a white coast spouting made-up words that sound technically important.
The reality is that the anti-abortion movement & its arguments *are* all rooted in religion, i.e. in myth & conditioning based on self professed seer, prophets and other dubious characters both ancient and modern.
Your argument is invalid, foolish & reprehensible. You act scurrilously in making it for you have no investment in the consequences for the women and lives who are harmed by the supposed 'right to life' movement. That very same movement that has no qualms about destroying the lives of women, threatening and frightening abortion clinic staff and even attacking those staff, their premises, or both.
Your motivation is clear and has nothing to do with the 'rights' or otherwise of a foetus. You are clearly a misguided right-wing ideologue who, as do all right wingers, believes that he has the right to interfere in the personal lives of others.
Your article does you no credit. It is a fraud and shames you and whatever intellect you have.