I have eclectic interests so write about many topics. However, as my main concerns are with inequity, injustice, greed, violence, war-mongering, control, hate, and all that harms individuals or collective humanity, and/our planet and all other species upon it, such themes tend to be frequent in my articles and comments.
I also value language and clarity of thought and expression so tend to follow those who write well and recognise the need for nuance and how to use it. I am not immune to critiquing or even criticising misuse or inappropriate use of language and particular abhor the gratuitous use of expletives.
I originated in Yorkshire from a poor background and over the course of my life have engaged in many occupations without ever having what most, I think, would understand to be a 'career'.
I have worked in so many different areas that some I've probably forgotten but the list below should indicate the variety of my experiences.
Retail salesperson [Variously, Photographics / Audio / Books ]
Door to door salesman [Variously, Carpets / Vacuum cleaners
Bus conductor
Security guard
Chocolate factory worker
Dog trainer
Royal Air Force Police Officer & Police Dog Trainer
Photographic Retail shop manager
Second-hand retail shop owner/manager
Student Union President
Student Counsellor & careers adviser
School teacher [Primary - Secondary]
Community library manager
TAFE library manager & teacher
University lecturer [Teaching trainee teaching students]
Health library manager
Mental Health library manager
Honorary Health Museum Curator
Web site builder
Educational mentor for international educators & students
Much as I imagine that, had I the option and the skill, I would have chosen to support myself as a writer, as is evident, that never happened. I am now in my mid seventies and, rightly or wrongly, see no chance of that ever happening.
Fortunately, I am not a materialist and have simple needs. Writing, however, does give me pleasure, stimulation and, occasionally, satisfaction. It also someitmes brings me a little praise or thanks. Having, I think, wasted my life and considering myself of little worth, those occasional words of thanks or praise can lift me, for a time, from the chronic depressive state which has been my lot for as long as I can remember - certainly since around 3 years old when I first attempted to run away from home.