After Trump, even the proverbial 'village idiot' would probably appear "phenomenal".
Biden is in no way, "phenomenal". However I agree that he is, at least, far more measured and responsible than most of the political class.
Unfortunately, he has countenanced the long held silence on successive Israeli government perfidy in relation to the Palestinians and also used the disingenuous "Israel has a right to defend itself" as justification for its current abhorrent and excessive action which amounts to genocide of a whole people. He has even authorised or, at best, acquiesced to providing both armaments and financial support to Israel, which essentially makes the USA complicit in the genocide taking place.
If Biden were 'phenomenal', then he would have denounced the Israeli government's treatment of Palestinians and there blind-eye approach to ever increasing illegal settlement by Israeli citizens. Of course, that would upset the substantial Jewish community in the USA and potentially reduced or eliminated the considerable political funding provided by that community.
I did, of course, begin the comment to which you've responded with: "It is a rare politician of any persuasion that stands to benefit other than themselves, their funders and their friends." - In other words, I did allow for the reality that there are different shades of competence and self-interest or other characteristics among political representatives.
The main point of my comment was, in any event, not aimed directly at Biden or any politician in particular but, if it is read objectively, clearly focused on the parlous state of the polticial system and selection and motivation of politicians generally.
Let's face it, there is every chance that a "phenomenal" but totally crass, self aggrandising, selfish and apparently demented buffoon will win the next presidential election unless the Democrats do something exceptional between now and then.
Unfortunately, quiet, calm and collaborative, in a nation so divided and polluted with fallacious religious fraudsters and populist conditioning and prejudice, is unlikely to give a win to Biden or any other with his equanimity.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️