As an aged person myself, with a long and often troubled history and many obligations an responsibilities, I can readily accept your feelings, Judy.
At the same time, I suggest that bravery is not necessary, nor need 'responsibility out weigh action". Donating to causes *is* action. In any event, none of the stages represents judgment and neither is 'action' measured in a quantitative way.
The article aims to present a means of relating conscience to realities and some causal factors for varying levels of acceptance of responsibility for what we are all part of and to which we contribute - the World Community.
It is more about 'will' than 'way', (or at least that is what I intended.). You may well be familiar with the parable of the 'widow's mite' - if so, perhaps that will give another perspective for you. [I don't suggest this because I am religious, for I am not. I do so because in all there is worth & wisdom to be found and this simple tale taught me much.] ☮️
p.s. Be less hard on yourself - from what little you've told me, you care ...