At the time of North America's colonisation, people were languishing in squalid prisons for debt and others were being transported to the opposite side of the World for stealing a loaf of bread rather than starve. What the vast majority of these people had done was caused by poverty, not privilege or poor character. It was a travesty, an injustice and a blot on the English authorities who carried it out.
I certainly don't advocate for laws and penalties to re-introduce such appalling treatment. However, one has to wonder just how far we have come in the opposite direction when corrupt fat cats can live in the lap of luxury, reach the highest office in the land and spend most of their time there playing golf or firing people who fail the sycophancy test, but can owe millions and apparently still live in luxury, walk free, obtain privilege and even oversee the decimation of a previously proud political party, (whether you support it or not it was formed with liberal views in mind).
This farce has gone on for far too long. Trump ought to have been stopped long ago and certainly has no moral foundation that justifies his legal right to contend election to be President of the United States.
Julian Assange and other whistleblowers have suffered incarceration for exposing wrong-doing and standing up for justice, freedom and the right of the public to know, Assange having already lost a decade of his life and, if extradited, likely to face much worse, simply for standing up for what is right.
Yet, Trump, for whom there is a mountain of evidence of wrong-doing from that of cheating employees, to financial impropriety, contributing to if not inciting insurrection and publicly lauding Putin and other US enemies as well as threatening to opt out of international agreements, such as NATO that have made the World a safer place for the better part of 70+ years - Trump stills walks free, spouts obscene lies and misrepresentation to his ignorant following and is seriously considered to take the top job again.
I know it is an old, rusted and cliched saying but "What has the World come to?" seems severely appropriate, regardless of its flawed grammatical construction - or perhaps because of it.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️
... Roger Hawcroft