Bella, that is so true that it ought not need to be said. Sadly or perhaps, regrettably, it does.
Of course, as do almost all, if not all, contributors, I am pleased when I receive a positive reactions to what I write and slightly disturbed when I receive a negative reaction or loss of a follower or subscriber. However, I won't lose sleep over it for I'm neither arrogant enough to believe that i am remotely a 'great writer' nor foolish enough to consider that all will agree with me or wish to endorse what I have to say - particularly as I'm a Yorkshireman and have an inbuilt tendency to be forthright and direct - what many would regard as blunt.
What it does cause me to do is to reflect on why that person may have left. Sometimes it gives me what I consider to be a useful tip on something I might have better expressed in a different way. At other times it is clear that I and the other, to put it nicely, are not on the 'same page'.
I suppose, if I wasn't so long-winded, I would just say that there is positive and negative to be found in virtually everything and it is up to us which we seek or focus upon. I think that both can be of equal worth.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️