Brian Hill, it appears that, as is common with those who choose to criticise without any significant explanation to support their view nor usually with even the slightest degree of politeness, you are also someone who originates no contributions of your own.
I am opposed to censorship so, as much as I find them irritating & rude, I would not support stopping you from the generally ill-informed, untrue, or very presumptuous criticisms of others. However, it does occur to me that perhaps Medium ought to disallow comments from those who never offer any original contributions of their own.
I also find it demonstrably hypocritical that you continually criticise the work of others on Medium whilst also having indicated your disdain for the platform, i.e.
"I'm tired of the finger-wagging sanctimony. But that's what Medium is good for - virtue-signaling and blaming."
Perhaps then, for you it would be a rational choice to rest yourself by no longer visiting this platform and taking your particular style of involvement elsewhere, perhaps to a platform that, unlike Medium, is truly mediocre. Perhaps Facebook might be more suitable for you.