Brilliant last line - oh how I find I'm attracted to first and last lines. A favourite first line: "Unemployed at last!" (Such is life. -Tom Collins.)
How important, too, they are to good writing and the ability to appeal to an audience, even if sometimes a particular rather than general one.
I have been appreciative of your commentary on the Russian invasion and subsequent conflict between it and Ukraine.
I consider neither side to be blameless but do believe that, although understanding what may be seen as historically rational fears on the part of Russia, it's actions have gone way beyond what is reasonable or rational - ill advised at best.
However, I also think it is important to recognise that wars are rarely, if ever, wanted by most people, even those, ( perhaps least) by those who fight in them.
So called 'Leaders' are responsible for wars. I say, "so-called" because usually those in senior positions achieve that status more by accident than design or, if I am to be completely cynical, by deception to further a design.
I constantly read general denigration of total populations of nations. This, I think, is sad. The modern State and indeed the developments of control of national life has been increasingly controlled by one or a few. I can understand if some consider the opposite to be true but an examination of who controls major aspects of 'freedom' within nations, (of whatever persuasion) will show it to be true.
Only when such people as Trump and Putin, (and many others), are not given the trust of people and are not able to be appointed to the highest levels of control, will we have any chance of achieving a fair, compassionate, collaborative and peaceful World.