Commendations to China.
A large Z- to the USA & other national governments that choose to support Israel with funds, arms or hypocritical rhetoric about its right to self defence.
If I was to assault police officer and, in repsonse, the local force demolished my house and my neighbour's houses and the local hospital and medical centre and the local school and closed the roads and wouldn't let anyone in or out and etc... there would be a national outcry of WRONG UNFAIR STOP
However, it seems that Israel's government can order genocidal destructon of the Palestinian people of Gaza and now the West Bank, without supposedly democratic and 'free' nations stopping them, in fact doing precisely the opposit.
I am disgusted that Australia has agains shown its sycophantic subservience to the USA.
In no way is this a war of 'self defence'. In NO way.
Netanyahu as the one giving orders and his military are guilty of massive war crimes and crimes against humanity. I hate aggession, war and the use of military force to decide things. However, Netanyahu is as tyrannical as Hitler became and his actions WILL provoke a war across the Middle East and possibly across the World unless they are stopped.
The hypocritical and WRONG actions of the USA in vetoing UN Security Council resolutions and in supplying money and arms to Israel must be stopped.
It is sadly ironic that China - sold to the public of Western democracies as an appalling nation of terror and threat, is the first major nation to take even remotely significant action against Israel's illegal and immoral decimation of Gaza and the Palestinian people. When considered that Israel was given Palestinian land by foreign powers on which to establish itself as a nation and subsequently dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, it is even more appalling that Israel is defended rather than criticised and stopped.
I despair at the situation of politics and diplomacy in this world. Our so-called 'leaders' it seems have either little intellect or little compassion, in fact in my eyes, probably little of either.
I have no desire to live in an authoritarian state but I am also under no illusion that I live in a 'free' one. I have to wonder, which is better: to live in an authoritarian state which is open about who and how it will rule OR to live in a hypocritical, democratic state which hides its authoritarianism behind rhetoric of 'law and order', 'national security', and other such terms that are as deceptive but quietly sounding as 'collateral damage'. I fear that, unless world leaders and governments come to their senses, (assuming that they have any), the World Population will become: COLLATERAL DAMAGE of this atrocious crime against humanity committed by Netanyahu and his supporters.