Einstein's IQ was 160. The collective IQ of the US is around 97, and, from memory, about 27th on a list of national ratings. Average IQ's are considered to be in the range of +/- 15 points, i.e. 85 - 115. IQ
Even those nations at the top of the list don't show any particularly startling collective IQ level. The top 5, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China are all around the 104 to 106 mark, i.e. well within the range of 'average'.
There are many disagreements among researchers into comparative IQ and much criticism of the methodologies used in various studies, even many of the significant ones.
I think that IQ is a useful measure of something but I'm not sure exactly what. In the 'developed world' it does correlate with what most consider success, i.e. material wealth and power. However, it does not appear to do so in the majority world.
As you imply, I doubt that IQ can really be equated with intelligence, let alone intellect. I don't believe that anyone is dumb. However, I do believe that many are gullible, ignorant or fail to use the brain they have.
As I understand it, human animals only use about 10% of their brain capacity, anyway, so if that is the case, we don't seem to have progressed very far and of what we may be capable is horrendously frightening, given that we are already the only species that can annihilate hundreds of thousands in an instant.
It also seems to me that while we have accomplished what seem to be astounding feats of science and technology, in the 300,000 years of home sapiens existence, we have moved virtually nowhere in the affective domains. I wonder what that says about us in terms of intelligence?
(Don't think too hard about that last question for I don't wish to be responsible for your depression.)
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️