Even better, how about true transparency and collaboration with the authors who generate your readership and, in effect, your profits?
Writers and operators of the platform ought to be friends and work hand in hand so that both achieve. At least, that's my view.
Autocratic behaviour, confusion, opacity - all create a lack of trust and even animus. Surely that is in no one's interests.
I haven't yet felt the sting of this activity and, perhaps, I won't, for I am a nobody with only a tiny following. However, I enjoy, learn from and am able to exchange views with many of the prolific contributors and I appreciate their work. I don't wish to see them 'censored'. Censorship is the tool favoured by dictators, i.e. it is inevitably negative.
If there is anyone I'd consider may be reasonably fore-warned and if non-responsive, restricted or removed from Medium, I would consider it those who write very poorly or simply repeat what amounts to the same content, ad infinitum. Even then, what research shows and certainly my own experience as an educator, is that encouragement and positive reinforcement is what achieves positive behaviour, whereas punitive response usually only increases the very negative behaviour it is used to prevent.
Perhaps, Medium, whoever is responsible for the hurtful changes might consider that.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️