Gas is gas is gas. Apples are apples are apples. - How they are handled can be different but there was no flaw in what I wrote, ie. your "Not apples to apples" is incorrect.
As for the your use of induction stoves, as I said, 'There are pros and cons for both electric and gas powered stoves...' However I do question your assertion that induction stoves are more efficient than gas ones. - 'Question', is what I wrote & what I mean - I haven't looked into that claim so can't comment further other than from personal experience.
Your facetious statement about preventing mould in front load washers was unnecessary. I made no statement whatsoever about front load clothes washers and dryers. However, as it happens, i also use your 'highly technical and complex method' with a front load washer. I won't use dryers for they waste far too much energy, in my view.
Other than attempting to make a claim for the superiority of electricity over gas, I am unsure what the point of your response was meant to be.
Personal preference, preferably informed by good science, relevant user need, fair value and the context of use, seem to me to be the fundamentals of a rational decision.
The rantings of a megalomaniacal, self-aggrandising and corrupt ex-president, are not.