Good information, though I must admit, despite having had iPhones since the 3gs, I can rarely remember these sort of gestures. Indeed, just an hour or so ago, a small outline of a screen suddenly appeared, through which whatever it was over would appear larger. I've no idea why it appeared and I couldn't figure out any way to get rid of it except to turn off my phone and then turn it back on.
Yes, I know, I'm past my use-by date but this type of sudden change for no reason I can tell has happened several times and I find it irritating, at best.
Even the way my phone suddenly chooses to change from portrait to landscape mode, I find a nuisance because, again, I can find no way to put it back again.
Yes, I'm sure there are simple gestures that have caused these changes and because I don't know them I haven't been aware that I've used them, just as there are probably simple gestures to make them go away. However, given the demise of sound and comprehensive instruction material in hard copy and what seems to be a belief that everyone was born with a phone in their hand and swipe commands already naturally embedded in their brain, I guess it's just all my own fault.
I must be a dunce because I have used Apple gear since the Apple II+ and despite ever increasing frustration I continue to do so.
No matter, thanks for the tips - there is a perhaps 1 in a thousand chance I'll remember them but that takes nothing away from you kindness in letting me know of them - again, it's all my own fault.
p.s. Though sometimes I delude myself that I have a memory of Apple definitely once placing ease of use, intuitive commands and consistency for the user at the heart of their ethos. - Guess I'm wrong about that, too. :-)