He and his like might just need such places if they continue their despicable, arrogant and obnoxious ways of playing God as they mess with and ruin the lives of those whose trust, contributions and effort built their platforms or bought their products and, in effect, did the work that gave them their wealth.
The Zuckerberg, Musk, Trump and similar powerful and wealthy privileged of this world are, in my view, not worthy or any respect beyond their being human beings because they *shame* what that ought to mean and treat others with no respect and without an ounce of caring or compassion.
To add insult to injury, they do so whilst at the same time pretentiously claiming to be innovators, creators, wise beyond all others and knowing what is best for those they exploit.
In reality, in my opinion, they are frauds, cheaters,liars and confidence tricksters without conscience, ethics or morality..