Honour? Trump has never displayed any, indeed, I doubt he has the term in his vocabulary or understands it if he does.
However, I don't accept that politicians, in general, act any differently in Europe to how they act in the USA or, indeed, anywhere in the World.
In the modern world, the 'state', regardless of its political ideology or processes, controls the right to life & death; the right to information and/or dissent; and the right to leave. - i.e. There is no 'freedom', even in democracies.
The differences in political ideology & systems, as well as the ways in which they are used to exert control & conditioning, are about power over population. As such it is virtually inevitable that those who seek political office will have character, personality & motivation skewed towards self-aggrandisement, narcissism, competitive charisma & single-mindedness.
My view is that Trump epitomises all of that and all of that at its worst. That he can be so successful in obtaining wide support is because materialism, wealth, power and fame have been so well conditioned into the population that even those 'without' often admire those 'with' because they want to be in the same place. It is this irony that is so apparent in elections where so many vote against their own interests and in doing so, shoot themselves in the foot, so to speak.
No, I'm not blaming them although they are certainly culpable. However, conditioning is often very subtle and not many can resist the cliche aphorisms twisted cleverly to assert that wrong is right. "Make America Great Again" - one would think that most would see this as an insult to their nation, that patriots would consider their nation to be great now. If that is not the case, then when was it great? Must we go backwards to improve?
The simple fact of the matter is that we are all captives to over government, no matter where we live nor under what ideology, religion, political economy or whatever.
Very few of us are truly satisfied with our lot and Trump plays to that.