How right you are. It amazes me, still, (yet it shouldn't given what I know), that so many people are simple-minded enough to consider Trump some sort of saviour.
Even his MAGA slogan is accepted as a positive and realistic one by Trump supporters, yet if one considers it critically, it is actually declaring that America is NOT great now.
I am not a USA citizen but I consider that the USA is a GREAT nation and has always been so. No, I am not sycophantic nor ignorant of its mistakes, even crimes. I do not agree with its level of materialism nor consider that it treats its first peoples any better than do most other colonised nations.
However, the history of all nations is chequered and, when examined, it can usually be readily ascertained that it is not the bulk of people who cause actions of the State. even if they are those called upon to implement them.
State actions are brought about by a relatively few people who have power and privilege, some in government and others with the wealth or leverage to influence government. As have most nations, the USA has had a mixture of both positive and negative influencers, power-brokers and legislators.
My view is that a holistic view of USA history shows much that is to be applauded and for which the USA can validly claim to be great, even today.
That a budget cannot be passed and that there is turmoil in politics and massive discontent and divide amongst the population is not because the USA is not a great nation but because of the actions of Trump, a political party of members largely without conscience, and a public conditioned to consider success, (greatness, if you will), as defined by wealth, status, fame, and power.
Trump's attitude, lies, disinformation and misinformation are without doubt, if not the major cause of current division and enmity in the USA, they are the major contributing factor.
In my view, Trump is already causing more deaths. I have heard commentators and analysts asking why Hamas has chosen now to implement its attack plan on Israel. Although there may be several reasons for this choice of timing, it seems very likely to me that the hampered situation that the USA currently finds itself in, alongside the situation in Europe with Russia's invasion of Ukraine, as well as several coups in minor but strategically significant nations, have provided an ideal time for Hamas to act.
Even the USA has limited resources and Trump's actions and influence on the GOP have ensured that even those are now being held hostage. Without doubt, Israel had brought this carnage on itself by its hard line apartheid actions and persecution of Palestinians. I have no fondness for Netanyahu and other Israeli hard line warmongers. However, in my mind, there is no doubt that having Israel's major supporter currently tied in knots, must have given impetus to Hamas and its ally Hezbollah - that's why I think Trump is already responsible for more killing. - Much more killing.