I agree with the general view you elucidate. I have no regard for Lindsey Graham, those who hold similar views or, indeed, the materialist ideology that drives much of the modern world, including the USA.
However and sincerely with respect for your concerns and what you write, I have difficulty in accepting any absolute condemnation of anyone, as a person.
I apologise for saying it because I may well be naive, an idiot, unaware or worse and because I doubt that such was your intention in writing what you have, though I accept that I may be wrong about that, too, for only you can know precisely what was your aim and intention.
My problem is that, in my view, such writing is not just calling out what we may consider to be wrong-doing or flawed thinking but it is also aggressive and, though I hesitate to say it, not unlike what Graham, his cohort, and right-wingers put out day after day.
No, I'm not a 'bleeding heart' or at least I don't consider myself as such. I do, I think, recognise perfidfy and other damaging and insane assertions by such as Graham. My problem is that I don't wish to act as they do.
The right-wing can get away with demeaning or diminishing anyone and/or uttering outrageous and immoral statements which indicate little or no care of respect for other individuals, groups or their behaviours.
The left-wing cannot do this for they, by definition, have to be open-minded, consider evidence, care for more than others and seek a society in which equity increases rather than decreases and in which all have equality in terms of putting forward their opinions - even if those opinions are not of equal worth or validity.
Of course, at times my frustration, anger, astonishment at stupidity I didn't think possible or just basic outrage at horrific intentions or the perpetration of such lead me to say more than I should or generalise when I shouldn’t. So, no I do not suggest that you have a closed-mind or biased views - in fact I believe quite the contrary.
I simply believe that we benefit equity, peace, collaboration, compromise, understanding and etc. by focusing on issues rather than people or personalities and by explaining our reasoning as to why we think such issues are positive or negative.
Perhaps my intentions will be misread and I will be pilloried for making this comment. I hope not. I particularly hope that it does not offend you, Lauren, because I value your perspective and what you write and in no way am attempting to belittle or offend you.