I agree with what you've implied by your account of your own upbringing and the culture of your family and the community around you.
I also agree that all people and societies and cultures contain a mix of positive and negative aspects. Indeed, even what is considered positive by one may be seen quite negatively by another.
I am now 77 and, although born and raised in a city, I have always admired nature and considered those raised in the 'country' to have many benefits, particularly in terms of understanding of the life cycle and its beauties alongside its cruelties.
Although living in a city, I was born and raised in a very poor area where there were many, effectively, single women raising children because their partners were predominantly seafarers and away for long periods at a time. When they returned, they often spent much of their pay on drink and many were not at ease with family life, children or even being 'cooped up' in a house.
Despite all of that, (and i must add that there were many strong exceptions, in no way do I mean to denigrate those who work at sea, indeed my grandfather was one and I admire their courage and tenacity.) the people around us were predominantly charitable and caring and looked out for one another. Children played in the streets for there were no gardens but there was no fear of assault or abduction because everyone knew everyone else and all would look out for the children, no matter who they were. Indeed, if one family couldn't feed their children, another would, regardless that none had more than a little to share.
So, no, I am not 'blaming' the older generations for I don't accept that 'blame' is a worthwhile concept. In my view, it achieves nothing positive.
As I said, I'm also far closer to death than to birth so I am not a young person 'crying foul'. I simply find it sad that so many see all flaws in modern society as attributable to youth, whom they consider to be hedonistic, selfish, irresponsible, undisciplined, spoilt and etc.
I consider such judgments as ignorant. What I see as predominantly characteristic of modern youth is, not only the idealism that characterises all youth but an amazing awareness of the nature of the world around them and away from them, as well as a determination to do something about the wrongs they see and actual actions to change those things.
Some of the more outstanding and well known young people that have demonstrated exceptional wisdom for their age and courage in standing out against harm, violence, pollution, profiteering, natural destruction and more are, for instance: Greta Thunberg, Malala Yousafzai, Nadia Murad, Grace Tame, Rima Sultana Rimu, Omaira of Columbia, Warsan Shire ... and there are many, many more. - These are my heroes and exemplify the courage & wisdom of young people of today. They are those who suggest to me that there remains a chance for humanity to dig itself out of the massive grave it has dug for itself, just as Maryna dug her children out of the rubble of their home after Russian bombs destroyed it.
No, I don't consider that the older generations were all 'bad' or 'wrong' or 'stupid' or in other ways negatives. That would be far too ridiculous and simplistic. However, I do believe that humanity generally and those in power over the years, our supposed 'leaders' have been particularly selfish and irresponsible in varying degrees and have maintained the conditioning and institutions which set the tone for 'civilisation', if such it can be called, as well as for the massive inequity that exists today and which has increased exponentially throughout history.
If that is to stop, it is my belief that it is the will and activity of the young that will bring it to an end and give us a world in which all can live in peace and reasonable harmony, regardless of their differences.
I apologise for my lengthy response but I want you to know that my comment on your piece was not an attack but based on my strong feelings about the way common beliefs are often delusions implanted insidiously through socialisation, schooling and more.
I'll stop here and apologise for anything I said that may have caused you upset or hurt. Should you be interested, a much more succinct account of my view is given in a poem I wrote and published on Medium: https://nonsibicunctis.medium.com/a-response-to-a-criticism-of-todays-youth-791a6fc06975
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️