I am a nobody and so, of course, I have to make the best sense that I can of the information, misinformation and disinformation that comes my way or that i find.
So, I can't say that I believe this or don't believe it. What I can say is that I believe it to be not only highly possible but also highly probable.
One of the three criteria that define the modern nation state is its control over information. There are many notable examples of this that have come to the public's attention. However, of course, the governments and the media, often under the influence of D notices but even more often, simply under the direction of their 'owners', ensure that appropriate spin is put on any story such that it will cause doubt in the minds of 'ordinary', relatively honest and caring citizens who also, unfortunately, are gullible and easily misled. - Misled, not because they are stupid but because their tendency is to look for the good, rather than the bad, and to give the 'benefit of the doubt' to those who supposedly work for them and protect them and the nation form harm.
Another influential factor for me is the contradiction between a USA President who is relatively mild mannered and appears to consider situations and options on their merits, rather than be simply influenced by ideology and yet who is sending arms and finance to Israel, a State being led by a war-mongering demagogue who is intent on genocide and is committing it with, effectively, the blessing and aid of the USA and, sycophantically, other 'democratic nations such as Germany, Australia and the UK.
Just as was the original partitioning or Palestinian by those European nations, allowing no involvement of the Palestinians in the process, so we have the same national governments compounding the persecution of Palestinian people.
And no - don't tell me that Hamas caused this by its incursion on 7th October 2023. Yes, some of its fighters committed horrendous acts and war crimes. I agree. There is no doubt in my mind about that.
However, it is legal under international law for an occupied nation to take up arms against its occupiers. No, that doesn't mean it is alright for it to commit atrocities, war crimes or whatever, but when considering the decades of subjugation and persecution at the hands of successive Israeli governments, it is understandable that eventually, the resentment, pain, trauma and indignity would boil over. It is, at least, understandable in basic human terms, to which virtually any reasonable and open minded person can relate.
Israel, on the other hand, has made no effort to seek a resolution that would allow Palestinians and Jews to live together with peace and equity. Instead, Israel has blockaded the Palestinians, imposed intolerable restrictions, allowed its citizens to break not only its own laws but international law, and allowed them to do it while the IDF watched and did nothing.
So, yes, I'm a nobody. A little person of no note. Even so, I am not stupid. I have 3 degrees and have been an educator for many, many years. I may well be wrong - I don't claim to know - but what Felix has told is, to me, extremely believable, extremely sad, and unfortunately, likely to be dismissed by most as folly or bias.
I believe it to be true and that it ought to awaken the conscience and even consciousness of those who accept the populist notions of what is right or wrong and the skewed reporting of mainstream media and tv personalities who earn massive incomes for rants that have no foundation.
If we want a better world, truly want a better world, we have to begin to use our intellect and intelligence and ask the questions that need to be asked and not be put off by attempts to shut us down.
People need to take back the power - and I don't mean that either naively or facetiously - and for those who have misunderstood all that I've said, I don't mean by following MAGA hyperbole and hypocrisy. Quite the contrary.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️