I cannot understand so-called 'racism'. This appalling phenomena and the millions whose views compose it are almost too sad for words.
I don't understand how it is that even relatively simple minded people cannot recognise that there is only one race, i.e. the human race.
Why is it that so many apparently have a fear of people who are mostly impoverished, desperate to feed and house their children, willing to do almost any job, (ncluding those that most resident citizens don't want or won't do), in order to have a chance at a better life - indeed in many cases - any life?
These people don't come with guns and swords and bayonets ... they come with little or nothing but pleas for compassion, caring, help, for themselves and their children.
Why is it that so many are so selfish that in one of the richest, if not the richest nation in the World, one that since its discovery by foreigners has been dominated by immigrants and still is, in almost every way possible, for these very people who are so preoccupied with closing the borders are all immigrants or descendants of immigrants?
For as long as I've been capable of rational thought and the ability to comprehend as an intelligent adult, I have disliked materialism and profit as a motive, for to me they contradict sound values of sharing, caring and compassion and reek of selfishness. Even so, I never before believed that I would see selfishness on this scale, let alone see it demonstrated in a supposedly free and democratic nation.
The current perfidious ethos of hypocrisy, outright lies, disinformation and economic power makes the flaws of competitive charisma, which characterise electoral potential in our political system, seem almost innocuous.
Will someone please tell me that this can be changed and how that can happen?
Will there be no alternative but to leave or die, in November?