I had not considered commenting as a means to increase my readership, so thank you for the tip.
I have commented fairly regularly on most articles that I've enjoyed, from which I've learned, or with which I've either felt that I had something worthwhile to add or some critical comment to make.
I have always felt that it is important to share what you think you know or feel or believe, with others. I feel that it is particularly important to do so when you are responding in a communal forum such as this, for the reasons you suggest.
However, as much as I always intend that my response are civil and avoid the scattering of gratuitous epithets that perverts so much writing today, I still find that, on occasion, my words will invite highly defensive & sometimes even offensive responses.
That factor does make me think carefully before making a response and often refraining from doing so if, after thought, I can find no positives on which to comment other than that the writer has been prepared to 'go public'. Unfortunately, in my view, one negative of the digital age and 'social' media is that it has offered an easy means to be published for far too many with nothing to say or no motivation other than to attack.
Perhaps I am overly sensitive. Regardless, I can see the sense in what you say and I do persevere anyway.
Thank you for the post.