I have met and know many people who make the assertions that you do. Oh that they were reflective of reality. History indicates otherwise.
Faith does not transcend the intellectual, particularly when it is 'blind' as is the case with the devout.
Yes, as are all religions, Christianity provides a framework - a framework that dictates what is appropriate and what isn't, though it expresses it much less polite terms.
It is not about love, compassion or kindness but, as I said about control. The codes contrived by the founders and officers of religions compose the ethical foundations for those religions. To be ethical simply means to follow the code. If the code is wrong but you follow it, then in terms of the institution which sets the code you do right - you act ethically.
Morality is something else for it is self determined & moral behaviour cannot be dictated in the manner of ethical behaviour. Unfortunately, too many do not understand the difference between ethics and morality and they are far too often used almost interchangeably.
Peace, harmony and 'love', if you must use that much abused term, do not require religion and whilst some who are religious may promote and seek such qualities, their religion is not necessary for them to do so.
Religion has no particular power to 'uplift individuals and communities' and in most cases religious communities have had appalling moral records and continue to do so today.
Belief in a 'God' or 'gods', is as nonsensical as belief in a flat Earth. In 2023 humanity ought to be beyond such nonsense, particularly as it continues to produce far more negative effects than positive ones.
I am well open to diversity in whatever area but should I feel open to the way in which the Christian Vladimir Putin finds 'meaning, purpose, and direction in life'? - I think not.