I have no fondness for elites but neither do I subscribe to simplistic and prejudiced views or conspiracy theories which are much more likely to reflect the biased and usually flawed views of those who hold them than the truth of reality.
Utterances such as you voice in your response are reminiscent of the grossly false & deluded statements of Donald Trump.
It may well be that some of those you name have or do act unethically, immorally or even counter to the law. However, I doubt that you have any real evidence that proves this about any of them and certainly not of all of them.
The greatest enemy of peace, stability, equity & responsibility for humanity is such one-sided, narrow, usually conditioned or populist views or those deliberately espoused to produce results that benefit those making them.
So, I suggest that you substantially alter your self-aggrandising profile because its claims are quite at odds with what you have written in response to me.