I love the Mac Mini size and aesthetics. My view is, as they say, "If it ain't broke - don't fix it." Yes, I've long admired the designers at Apple for their aesthetic flair that has almost always matched exceptional function. However, appearance is significant to me so I was very disappointed with the Power Mac 4400 (7200 for markets where the 44s were negatively symbolic) It is the only Mac I can recall that was as ugly as all the PC clone boxes.
I even delighted in the Cube, for its appearance; it was just sad that it came at the wrong time & that the case was deficient & prone to cracking.
I enjoy your articles but have to admit to sometimes giving in to a touch of jealousy or/and awe that you are able to own and check out the latest offerings. As someone who has used Apples since the IIe & Hypercard, but always had low income & little money, although I've had many Macs, sadly they are always pre-owned and several years old.
Currently, the last (2011) version of the 17" MacBook Pro and a 2018 Intel Mac Mini. Both of which still impress me - but then, what would I know ?