I think that you have a genuine point of concern that will be shared with many.
On the other hand, I don't agree that what Apple offers is available from any other brand at the same price for quality, reliability, ease of use, connection and aesthetics.
I think that, perhaps, the reality is that laptops are now laptops. They are no longer the novelty or innovation that they were. This applies to all brands, not just Apple, of course. However, other brands will adopt what appear to be clever bits and bats to separate them and achieve greater market share. Apple doesn't and has never done that. What you get from Apple, (barring a few mistakes), are real improvements and advancements and innovation, not just some gadgety addition that appeals in the main, I suggest, not to intensive computer users but to the casual and those with relatively few demanding needs.
One of the characteristics of Apple has always been its ability to introduce the new and innovative in a significant way; apparently 'out of the blue' as it were.
So, for me, it is too soon to consider the Mac or any of the suite of products as 'boring'. For all I know, Apple is on the verge of releasing something that we haven't yet imagined or as you say, "didn't even know we needed."
Your analysis may well be right. I may be allowing my experiences with apple products since the Apple II to skew my views. I accept that but hope that it isn't true. - Clearly, I don't think that it is.
However, I think that you have voiced a concern that haunts many and that is reflected in sales and profits over the last few years. I would just say that it is also worth considering how the 'personal pc' and its impact on everyday personal and business life is probably now waning and perhaps this view of Apple products is just part of that.
It certainly will be interesting to see how the industry develops generally, as well as whether Apple actually does have a plan and new innovations or whether they have reached that part of the business cycle that research shows is almost, if not always, inevitable - that of growth, peak, stability and then a downward path. I hope that Apple is not on the end part of that downward trajectory, though even if it is, the company has nothing of which to be ashamed for it really has been the offering for 'the rest of us.'
At least, that's my opinion.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️