I think there is some substance to what you say save for the 'most men', because I rarely find that generalisations are true.
Capitalism as a cause? Yes, in that it promotes greed, selfishness, uncaring & so a willingness to use others, in any way, if it makes a profit.
Women responsible? Yes, but no more than men and less so if one considers a historical context.
Our society is unfortunately far too concerned with 'body image'. That it predominantly focuses on the femal body is because it is men that have dominated our societies since we stood upright.
That women enjoy catering, in the main, to a male notion of 'attractive' is, in my view, largely a result of conditioning & fortunately, not nearly as predominant as it once was - thanks to feminist activists.
The reality is that people are people, regardless of sex or gender. We have universal attributes, desires, needs & characteristics and we have individual ones. We are, paradoxically, all the same and yet each unique.
One significant factor is that we are social animals and live in groups. Science has shown us that once a group reaches around 30 members, it requires order and hierarchy to survive. The result is structure and rules.
In a World dominated by religious codes and male entitlement, it has been inevitable that the rules have favoured men and subordinated women.
Thankfully, for men as well as women, that is changing.