I was surprised to read this because until I did, all that I've heard or read has indicated that Trump has been well in front.
All the same, I have to agree that the Democrats have not taken the opportunities they've had. In my view, not only should Biden have been much more vocal & dynamic but the Democrats ought also to have been grooming an alternative candidate.
I don't mean to denigrate Biden or his sincerity or worth but, frankly, he presents a very poor image. If ever the USA needed a strong and vibrant, forward thinking, bold and courageous leader, it is now.
Despite the simplistic populist support for Trump, a position that is against the interests of the vast majority of the very people who give him that support, it is absurd that such a man still has any credibility or chance of being re-elected as POTUS.
The USA, rightly or wrongly, is continually criticised on all sorts of grounds. However, if ever there was a justification for incredulity about the nation and its ethos, it is that a man with Trump's record can be seriously supported not just by simple-minded & deluded electors but by most of one of its major political parties.
I cannot believe that there aren't strong, intelligent, capable and trustworthy individuals well capable of nomination and winning the POTUS election AND fulfilling the role of the position as well as restoring the USA to a leading and trusted role in the 'Free' World.