I welcome and agree with all you say for it is both intuitive and rational. I will be pleased if your view becomes widely read and instigates change, even if at first it is simply a prompt to think beyond conditioning.
Unfortunately, as your own words suggest, conditioning is both insidious and deep and usually not even recognised by those conditioned.
I would welcome being able to believe that people can put an end to war by seeking and acting for peace; by being 'inter-are' but, sadly, I doubt it will ever be.
Human nature appears to be such that, although most desire simply to live in relative peace, freedom and contentment, even if with challenge, there are also some who are so irrational as to believe that control of others, by whatever means - manipulation, might, religion, wealth, ideology or whatever, is not only acceptable but has 'right' on its side.
I doubt very much that such people will ever cease to exist or that the many multiples of others will ever be able to keep them in check. I sincerely hope that I am wrong, for the sake of all those who are younger than i or not yet even born. However, even if I am wrong and it were possible, I think that humanity has run out of time to save itself or the planet.