"If a woman has to be told she was raped, because she didn't know the sex she had was rape, it was not rape." [My emphasis}
What an astonishing, mistaken and dangerous statement! I find it hard to believe that it has been made by a woman.
Someone whose body is invaded sexually with neither their consent nor their knowledg has not 'had sex'. To suggest that such is the case is outrageous nonsense.
This response is one that highlights the dangers inherent in, though certainly not intended, by the way Amanda's piece presented the notion of individual responsibility and her false analogy which equates a perpetrator and victim.
I sincerely hope, Colleen, that you never wake to find that someone has raped you and that others consider it is your fault and you not the perpetratgor that needs counselling for some form of mental dysfunction.
Your comment is yet another example of 'blame the victim' mentality & simplistic understanding of complexity. However, most of all, it shows a failing to understand the responsibility that all of us have to respect and care for one another.