If words really do and have caused 'evil', (which in any case is just a human construct that is impossible to define), then those words are the 'words of god'.
No, I don't attack 'God' for human beings have worshipped over 8000 gods.
The reality is, however, that no god is anything other than a human construct and 'words' attributed to that god or gods originate with humans.
Unfortunately, because humanity has or so it seems, always been concerned with how it came to be and why and from where, that same humanity or members of it have invented answers to those questions.
Sadly, then invoking the mythical deities they have created, human beings have constructed all manner of codes of behaviour, laws, edicts, 'good' and 'bad' and 'evil' and 'heaven' and 'hell' and so on ...
Only when humanity overcomes this puerile conditioning will there be any chance of a peaceful, cooperative, collaborative and harmonious and caring state of being on this planet.
Until that time, one god or another will be on everyone's side and all but one group will be the 'chosen' people.
It is such an obvious nonsense that it is amazing to comprehend that religion has continued for so long to have the hold it has. It is also a savage indictment of humanity's failure to progress in the affective domain at anything but a tiny fraction of the extent it has progressed in the technological and scientific domain.
Long past time for the hatred and division caused by religious tenets to be rejected and never, ever, allowed to rise again.