If you hold, what you call prolife values, then of course you can clap.
You can applaud the articlle because it supports the right of women to make their own choice, rather than have it made for them, usually by men.
You can applaud because it makes clear what evidence supports, let alone eyes and ears - that many girls and women's lives are destroyed by forced pregnancy.
You can applaud because the decision is not one of justice but of the ideology held by the majority of judges on the SC, which was stacked with right-wing ideologues by Donald Trump.
If those who are what you call prolife do not wish to have abortions then they already did not have to do so.
That did not interfere with those who wanted to protect their own lives and the lives of those dependent on them.
If a woman cannot choose what happens to her own body then we are back in the dark ages.
"Pro life" humans kill continually. They eat meat, fish and even insects. They kill in armed conflct because 'God is on their side' ( funny that he or it is always on the other side, too). They kill for sport. They killl by supporting policies and actions that devastate the environment, that create armed conflict, that send military intervention into other nations, that destroy forests and other habitat of both people and animals. They kill by drinking and driving and by a host of other irresponsible acts.
The pro-life moivement is a confidence trick. It hides ideological & religious bias and seeks to apply it to *all*, in other words it is oppressive, offensive, dictatorial and indefensible.