I'll be surprised if I'm not pilloried for what I'm about to say but, as much as I enjoy the humour, Harry, I don't enjoy the overused expletives and, whilst I feel as do so many others and yourself when I get no response from a visitor to one of my posts, I'm also aware that such may be an accurate reflection of what that visitor feels about the article.
I dislike 'likes', anyway. They are both limiting and ambiguous. I may hate what is said in a post but value why and how it is said, so is a 'like' really an appropriate expression? For the sake of brevity, for which I'm not noted, I won't give other examples of the pointlessness of 'likes' for, in any case, I'm sure you understand what I'm saying.
I have visited and left without comment, (though I don't think to anything of yours), for the simple reason that until I read something I don't know whether I consider it of worth or not. The reality is that not everything that is written is of worth and that will always be the case on a site with little or no moderation and in an age when reasonable grammar and punctuation, let alone varied vocabulary and nuance, are rarely to be found.
I do comment on virtually all pieces that interest me and I try to do so in an informed and informative way that may highlight what I've found pleasing or of note or what i haven't and why or why not. Unfortunately, as has happened here, my comments far too often turn almost into articles, something which many others don't find appealing. Responses from those readers can be as or even more disturbing than no response at all. Of course, that's a risk typical of any excursion into online forums of almost any sort.
So, for myself, I don't care whether there is a comment or a like or whatever. My rationale, is mainly that if someone comments then it will generally be someone with something to say and if someone doesn't comment then it probably would not have been worthwhile if they had. Also, I write because I can't not write. So, by the time I've posted whatever it is, I've already had my fun, so to speak.
Having said that, I have to admit that, yes, I do gain satisfaction from appreciation or positive and instructive criticism given with good grace. So, as you've noted how one can grace you, yes, I'd be pleased if you would tag me - who knows, it may increase my readership and numbers of 'likes'.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️