I'm a relative newcomer to this platform, too. So far, I've found little about which to complain but perhaps that's because I'm just lucky, too insignificant to merit attention, or because I'm male, heterosexual - though I haven't had intimate relations with anyone since my wife left me 3 years ago - and too boring for anyone to care.
I long ago ceased to believe that 'love makes the World go round' or, in fact, that 'love' actually exists. After 75 years of what appears to me to have been a pointless and wasted life, I feel sure that 'love' is such an ill-defined, sensationalised or trivialised concept that it no longer has significant meaning.
I prefer to put my - non religious - faith in empathy and if I beleved that anything as un-scientific as a feeling made the World go around, empathy would be my choice.
Sadly, empathy, which of course is what underlies and facilitates all honest, caring, respectful and compassionate relationships - whether with a close partner or friend or someone of great difference from far away, whom you are never likely to meet, - would appear to be in short supply.
So, if I were to still consider 'love' as a valid concept, I would shout out, "Shit, doesn't everyone love you and your writing?"
As it is, all I can really say is, "I empathise."