I'm a relatively ignorant but long time Apple user. In spite of my admiration for Apple products and, in my view, their considerable superiority over those of their competitors, it has long puzzled me that Apple seem to ignore what are, even to an ignoramus such as I, obviously needed inclusions.
I've stopped, any longer, attempting to work it out. I still trust Apple to produce the best but I also trust that they will lessen the product by not addressing some, perhaps, small need or advance and doing so without any apparent rational or logical need or cause.
Must we just accept this as an Apple quirk? I have tried to do so but it niggles me. I am not one for the idiocy of the Mac v others senseless debates but, by the same token, I am disappointed that Apple leaves itself so open to criticism that is reasonable.
I can't believe that Apple doesn't know what it is doing so I just wish that they'd front up with an explanation of their logic. Even if it is just their own profit that is the motive, I don't care, I'd just like to understand.
Apple - how about letting us in on your logic?