I'm not sure what this modern day meme is supposed to indicate, though my understanding is that it is a negative.
If that is the case it would carry more weight if you stated your views in plain English, rather than using what appears to be a modern fad for invented words, abbreviations, capitalisms and such which are almost always derogatory and seem largely to be the province of those who are either incapable of expressing themselves using appropriate language or those whose only interest is to demean, disrupt or otherwise act with antipathy purely for its own sake.
Given your narcissistic profile, perhaps I ought to have expected no more.
On the other hand, if I have misread your intention and your use of the cartoon oriented and somewhat moronic meme was aimed at the story or author of the story to which I responded, then I apologise for having understood your intent wrongly.
However, my admonishment regarding responding to others in the way you have, is something by which I stand, regardless of your intention.
There is an old adage that: "If you have nothing pleasant to say then say nothing." It is one with which I have some sympathy up to a point. The limit I have is when there is real need to provide a rebuttal to falsity or expose abuse or hypocrisy. I particularly dislike such when it is disguised. My view is that if one has any real feeling about something and wishes to express it, then one should have the courage to say it outright and to own it. Equally, one ought to give credit where it is due.
As you are very young, & still wrapped in the conceit not unusual for those more interested in self than others, perhaps you can be excused or perhaps I have responded too harshly.
I regret that I felt the need to respond at all. I don't seek to demean you as a person but rather to highlight what I consider to be an inappropriate practise. That is all.
Should you wish to discuss my response or clarify what caused you to respond as you did and what you actually meant to convey, I would welcome the chance to read and learn. If I have misunderstood or simply displayed my own ignorance, then of course I do apologise and will accept your setting me right.
Take care. Stay safe.