I'm sorry that such is your conclusion. It certainly isn't an accurate one and does not reflect sound comprehension of what I wrote.
Love as it is commonly understood and in the context of my article, is about much more than "showing compassion and care for another person". The staff of Medecins Sans Frontieres, SES volunteers, First responders, Nurses, Midwives, Animal carers, Meals on Wheels volunteers and innumerable other individuals and organisations show compassion and care for others but do not "love" them.
I never claimed that love was about "grand gestures" or "happy ever afters".
So, it is not I who is misunderstanding what I stated was my personal view that love doesn't exist. However, unfortunately it appears that you have failed to comprehend the true nature of my article and its point.
Perhaps I failed to write well and make myself clear. I do try to make my thoughts accessible but accept that some will be unable or not wish to follow. If the failing is mine then I apologise.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️