It is always sad when someone who ought to know better because of experience, study, or whatever, chooses to stubbornly insist on prejudiced and false assertions made within the guise of lengthy diatribe that ignores fact and reality.
Your argument is, indeed, fraught with invalid & simplistic generalisations. It also includes significant false assertions. You have also now expressed personal assertions about what I know or don't know for which you have no justification.
I have not and don't 'create fancy thought constructs'. Historical facts, geopolitical reality, ethnic and cultural differences, human psychology and religious and controlling hierarchies of monarchies, autocracies and oligarchs and elites, as well as many other factors contribute to the present events in and between Russia and Ukraine, just as they have and do to situations everywhere else on the planet.
Offering the ridiculous and circular statement that "The Russian population is responsible for the actions of their people" indicates a significant lack of logical ability and certainly casts much doubt upon your assertion that, "I (you) know the history of Russia. ..."
You also appear not to understand the difference between ethics and morality nor the reality of how "we" behaved towards the German state in the Twentieth Century. This suggest to me that not only do you have little real understanding of historical dynamics pertaining to Russia but as importantly, given the present conflict, none at all regarding European history.
As for, "you (I) may not like to hear it, and you react the same way they all do ...", this is a good example of the type of both flawed and objectionable generalisation that litter your arguments - if such they can be called.
I suggest that you don't know Russia's history very well and, indeed, have poor comprehension either of World affairs or how to accurately inform yourself.