It moves me to read your pain yet resilience. - if that indeed is what I'm reading. I may be simply projecting my own feelings as the recent election result onto your move.
All I know with any sense of validity, is that nothing is constant except change. A paradox that fools don't understand. Trump today, another US and world tomorrow, yes. Democracy, i.e. the will and caring of one person for another, for equity, for equality, for freedom ... no, that survives and will survive.
It may be a minority for a time. Perhaps it will be a minority for aeons. Others have told me that human nature is to kill, maim, injure, control and destroy. If so, that will be a major obstacle to necessary and desirable change. However, I don't accept that as the truth,
I firmly believe that human beings are born with no more disturbing attribute than to survive and procreate. I don't accept that we are or need to be or act as do animals of lesser intelligence and ingenuity.
So many, including yourself, have shown me that they care, have insight, compassion and rationality, even hope, that despite my chronic depression and even attempts, (in total despondency), at suicide, there is, with good will that exists in most human beings, for humanity to resolve its confusion and disharmony and its self-made threats to its own survival.
If moving will bring you peace, well-being and contentment in the rest of your days, I will that such is what it brings.
I don't know you other than by the illusion or delusion of online rhetoric, dialogue and discussion but your move need not prevent that, unless that is your wish. if such is the case, I would admire your decision, for I feel that personal peace, right now, can only be gained by relative isolation - at least from the sad state of engagement in social media.
So, I wish you well and thank you for the thought, anecdotes and stories you have shared - and, if you choose to be quiet or even silent after your move, I would commend rather than criticise you.
There is much more to life than this paradoxical. facility to bring diverse and remote people together and yet facilitate so much hostility and abuse.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️