I've rarely heard or read such simplistic & nonsensical supposed 'reasoning' as this.
If one wishes to believe, i.e. hold a conviction that some particular entity existed before anything existed and that this entity then created all of existence, then go ahead believe.
To refer to 'God' as a given, however, is false.
To use the first words of a book that is a collection of writing from various, (mostly unknown), authors, writing over a range of time periods and selectively collected together by other human beings with a vested interest who also chose *not* to include other such writings and which since first produced has had material extracted because it disn't suit the humans who arrogantly consider themselves the authorities on the source of life & how human beings out to behave, is an enormous & untenable stretch of devious justification for a claim that this 'God' entity must have created the Universe. (It would be so even if all those writings hadn't been written in ancient languages and translated and re-translated down the ages to become what we read today.)
It is just as arrogant to use the supposedly 'holy', (whatever that means), text of just one religion on which to bast an absolute assertion that this 'God' exists and created the Universe. This is even more arrogant when considering that the two other monotheist religions have different 'holy' texts and different codes of conduct and yet believe in precisely the same 'God'.
Scientists do not claim what you suggest, in any case. Scientists, in fact, rarely claim or assert anything in the dogmatic way that your title does. They do not do so because scientists understand and constantly are reminded by their work and discoveries that there are no answers, only more questions.
That is a relatively simple but major difference between religion and science and gives the lie to your assertion.
Science asks questions. Religion claims to have the answer.
Science deals in facts and the testing of theory, not least by replication. Religion deals in human assertion claiming it to be divine revelation.
Science takes as objective an approach as possible, & attempts to account for all variables that could skew the results to induce false conclusions. Religions substantiation is purely subjective and often even personal and private and exclusive of any evidence. Indeed, its main arguments are all based on hearsay.
Humanity needs to progress to a point where ages of conditioning, the power and wealth of self-interest groups known as 'churches', and the collusion of religions and State are halted.
Only then, when the nonsense of religion is a distant curiosity of history and reason prevails, will humanity have any chance of living peacefully & caring for its home.