Judy, you have received many simplistic favourable responses to this story. That saddens me for it shows a very superficial understanding of both teaching and of engagement in conflict.
I regret that you have chosen to perpetuate stereotypes which demean the disadvantaged and women and which glorify military excursions to other nations that have little, if anything, to do with protecting the nation but rather are there to exploit or influence others in the nation's interest.
The reality of military engagement also has absolutely no comparison to the exploits of superheroes.
Chastisement for poor grades is not good teaching but quite the opposite. There is ample research to support the fact that positive encouragement is what achieves sound outcomes, particularly with those who have heightened difficulties in learning because of home or other disadvantage.
I mean you no ill. I don't know you. Given what I feel you were trying to do with this article, you are probably a well-motivated individual and probably a better teacher than this article would suggest.
However, to let this stand without comment and with praise from so many who fail to see the implications of its content, would be remiss, though I expect that I will be pilloried by many who, for one reason or another, do not understand.
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️