Roger Hawcroft
2 min readDec 16, 2023


Kim Davis is as entitled to her views as anyone else, no matter how ignorant, irrational or unpalatable they may be.

What she isn't entitled to do is to fail to implement the requirements of her position by over-riding or ignoring the law or whatever duty statement or contract to which she is subject.

There are many laws with which one or another of us may not agree or may find uncomfortable. However, if we wish to live in a predictable and ordered society then we need to abide by them or be prepared to accept the consequences.

Where we object to a law and feel strongly enough about it, there are ways in which we can take action. If all else fails, the action may be to break the law in order to draw attention to its flaws or undesirable consequences - however, if we do that, we must do it recognising that there will be a consequence for ourselves.

I know. That doesn't seem fair. It especially seems flawed when, so often, it appears that the wealthy or those in powerful positions, are able to flaunt the law with impunity or obtain special privilege when they are caught. - It isn't fair.

The point is that we can choose how we wish to live in a society but will only be able to do so in a relatively safe and predictable way if we abide by the codes (laws and regulations) that we have agreed to recognise by dint of electing people to represent us.

It is unfortunate that litigation and financial compensation has become ubiquitous for, in many cases, an issue could be rectified without making lawyers rich or the need for costly legal processes.

Instead of throwing rocks or celebrating this 'victory' for the gay couple, perhaps it would be better if we considered more significant issues such as how our justice system works, why we need licences to get married, why so many punishments/penalties do not suit the transgression and etc.

I don't agree with the beliefs and actions of Kim Davis but that isn't the point and neither does it mean that she is 'evil' or even a bad person. In other circumstances we applaud people for having the courage of their convictions - does that contradiction not bother anyone whose read this?

Life is complex. Living it is even more complex. We have many differing beliefs and understandings and levels of education, comprehension, conditioning and social or peer group pressure. Simplistic judgments are not useful but only add to lack of understanding among people and increased anger, animosity or ugliness. I don't think that such is what anyone really desires.

None of what I've written is intended as a criticism of HoneyLu or, indeed of anyone at all. It is simply a suggestion that perhaps we could all do better than simply to react and, instead, think more broadly.

Take care. Stay safe. ☮️



Roger Hawcroft
Roger Hawcroft

Written by Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.

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