Let’s Cut to the Chase

Roger Hawcroft
3 min readSep 28, 2024

Does humanity have a collective death wish?

Photo by M. M.: https://www.pexels.com/photo/vintage-cannons-near-single-tree-on-hill-under-clouds-18263412/

With probably few exceptions, people generally have no or little real understanding of their ancestry and the often complex of changes in ownership, control, ‘sovereignty’ of the land on which they live. Local strife and competition, invasion, occupation, abduction, dispossession, desperate abandonment, forced resettlement, genocide, misguided division of communities, societies and ethnic groupings by straight lines drawn by conquerors, institutions and monarchy, often thousands of miles distant and usually without consultation or understanding of the lives, associations, beliefs, customs, relationships and dependencies of those on whom they inflict sudden separation.

The result of these changes over time may have achieved positives but, to me, seems to have accentuated the negative. The disadvantages experienced today of most ‘original’ indigenous peoples in colonised nations, even centuries after its brutality, remains blatantly apparent for anyone with open mind and objective understanding to witness. The creation of division and even appallingly strong hatred and demonisation of others whose heritage and ancestry is essentially the same, is commonplace in areas often lauded for their ‘multicultural’ nature.

The ‘benefits’ of improved conditions, social status, financial betterment, literacy and education…



Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.