MacOS - Checkboxes v Switches
I'd rather see check boxes retained. Switches appear to be a mishmash of colours and sizes and positions and are also, for my liking, too large.
Couldn't they provide optional choice of checkbox or switch and list or icons?
One related issue that has constantly frustrated me over the years has been the inability to alphabetise some lists and not others, similarly with the layout of icons, to which I can see no logic and often have to scan several times before finding what I need. This is also exacerbated when Apple choose to move a control from one category to another.
Never-the-less, give me a Mac OS any day over its competitors. I recently used new Windows 10 & 11 machines - what a mess &, in my view, completely unintuitive. :-) [Yes, perhaps I'm just dumb.]
Incidentally, I keep seeing articles in which I'm told that Ventura is still in Beta. I switched to it and had to switch back because it caused me many issues. However, I am continually encouraged by Apple to update and I don't see any indicator that tells me it is still a Beta release. How am I missing this?