Makes sense to me. Everything I have is dated anyway so most, if not all, of the advances would be wasted.
Currently, I'm more disturbed than ever by Apple, having updated to Ventura and now finding that:
* When I stream regular tv [catch up as opposed to streaming services], as soon as I switch to full-screen everything goes blank
* Photos will no longer import from my iPhone
* My external drives keep disappearing. When I run disk utility 'mount' doesn't work. Then, if I run First Aid, at completion I'm told there was nothing to fix and it has returned the drive to its orginal *mounted* state. It is then showing again but, after a reboot, it disappears yet again.
And etc...
I just ache for the 'old Apple', when everything did 'just work' out of the box and the loyalty base just kept on increasing because of that very fact.
Frankly, unless one has vast or unlimited disposable income, I think that constant upgrading of hardware of any sort is usually unnecessary and more about creating new revenue streams than actually improving the lot of the client. - Yes, of course I know that there are exceptions but ...