"may have" is the correct way to put that but in fact I missed neither.
Your motivation may well have been humour but this piece certainly fails the test on that score.
The Republican Party is composed of 'Republican' supporters, so that distinction is hardly valid.
If your piece is talking about individual Republican supporters, then its title is, at best misleading and its argument also.
Virtually all who supports a concept, ideology, code, set of values or whatever are likely to be 'good at being accepting of one another' - that goes without saying because is says nothing.
Without any intent to be rude or in any way attacking of your character, ability to write or anything else, as I said in my original response, for those reasons, "as much as I might value your raising such an issue, no, I don't have to like it - because it isn't true."
Take care. Stay safe. ☮️