Me too, John.
Unfortunately, although I’m not yet aware of anyone having denied Russian engagement in these atrocities, I am aware that there are many who attempt to excuse or minimise the culpability of Russia, (i.e. Putin & those who, knowing the facts, choose to support him), and that sadly, many of these who much of the time would voice legitimate concerns about other perfidy hat would be supported by facts. They, too, are often writers with large followings who, as is often the case with large followings, accept without question or informed scrutiny what their favourite has to say. Even more sadly, to my mind, is the fact that many such are well followed writers on Medium.
My impression is that such writers, in the main, are well meaning and concerned individuals who seek to recognise and expose wrongs in our society, particularly those that are easily mislead out of naivety, ignorance, good nature, or trust in and support of cultural tradition, mainstream ideology and commonly accepted world views. Social condition is well entrenched by adulthood in modern nations where schooling is virtually universal and often extends througout an indvidual’s development into adulthood, i.e. for most of their first 25 years.
It is difficult to break such conditioning. It comes about slowly and insidiously and at a time when our minds are at their most susceptible to influence and least capable of rational, logical and independent thought or the ability to analyse complex concepts. or issues. The result is that we either adopt it, usually without remark for we don’t realise that such is what has happened or that we adopt it but do recognise some of its results and baulk against them, all too often by rejecting all its useful, worthwhile or positive achievements and simplistically focusing on its failures or cause of perfidy.
Many of the apologists for Russia’s invasion are those who, (rightfully), recognise the injustice, inequity, disadvantage, human misery and appalling actions of big business, a flawed judicial system, professional politicians advancing their own ends rather than serving those of the people and illegal or unconstitutional actions that the powerful, rich and those in positions of private or public authority carry out with impunity and without responsibility, accountability or, in most cases, without penalty and often in the name of one’s own nation.
The logic of this is flawed. That someone or even a nation has been responsible for perfidy, illegal action, deaths of civilians or whatever should be exposed and those responsible made to account for it is necessary to show us what we “shouldn’t repeat”. However, to use the fact that nations condemning an illegal and brutal invasion and targeting and killing civilians have also committed severe wrongs does not legitimise or excuse another incidence of appalling wrong by another nation.
This invasion ought to be opposed by all right-thinking people and all responsible governments. It is not excusable. It is wrong.