Netanyahu — Criminal copy of Nazis, Israel, the Real Terrorists — A pariah State.

Roger Hawcroft
4 min readOct 6, 2024


Australian Prime Minister makes statement, in effect, supporting Israel’s continued persecution of Palestinians. It shames me & all Australians of concscience.

Photo by Hurrah suhail:

Just a few moments ago I saw a tv news video of the Australian Labor Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, for whom many of us had respect and hope when his party overturned a decade of right wing rule. We were conned. What I just saw and heard him say was:

Frankly, Lenny, I think nothing would surprise any of us any more.

Just a few moments ago I saw a tv news video of the Australian Labor Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, for whom many of us had respect and hope when his party overturned a decade of right wing rule. We were conned. What I just saw and heard him say was:

“We unequivocally condemn Hamas’ actions on that day. Innocent lives taken at a music festival. Women, men and children killed in their homes. Brutality that was inflicted with cold calculation. Today, we also think of the hostages whose lives remain suspended in the fear and isolation of captivity. For their loved ones, this past year must have felt like an eternity — the agony of waiting and not knowing, or of having the terrible truth confirmed. Since the atrocities of October 7, Jewish Australians have felt the cold shadows of antisemitism reaching into the present day.”

This hypocrisy matches that of Netanyah.

Why doesn’t Australia’s Prime Minister “unequivocally condemn Israel’s actions since 8 October 2023 to the present day — 12 months. There killing of at least 40,000 Palestinians and injuring even maiming 100,000+ Palestinans in the same period and the reality of the whole population of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories being held hostage for around 7 decades.? -THIS IS HYPOCRISY WRIT LARGE.

Why does the media constantly talk of 1200 Israelis killed on 7 October 2023 when Israel’s own figures have longstated 1139? Why does our media report 340 hostages when Israeli figures now indicate 241?

Why does the media not condemn the breach of 67 United Nations resolutions in regard to Israel and its continual breaches of humanitarian law and the Laws of war, as well as the Genocide Convention — all of which it treats with disdain?

Why does the United States, supposed ‘leader of the free world and bastion of democracy’ continue to supply funding and weapons used by Israel to kill innocent civilians and extend its incursions into other nations well beyond Gaza?

Why has not every member of the United Nations not called out this genocide and the hypocrisy of Netanyahu and his cohort?

Why did American not arrest Netanyahu during his visit to the US in line with the edicts of the International Criminal Court and the Intenational Court of Justice?

Why? — Because the US has a powerful military and a veto at the United Nations and benefits enormously from the wealth of the Jewish and Zionist donors.

For Netanyah this war is about maintaining his power and avoiding criminal prosecution.
For the US this war is about retaining billions of dollars of support, both directly and indirectly from its wealthy zionist and Jewish supporters.

President Macron is right to condemn this perfidy and Netanyahu, as usual, has leashed a tirade of abuse at him that has no basis whatsoever as legitimate criticism but only the lashing out of a selfish, uncompassionate Bully with a dead heart.

Someone has to stop Netanyahu and Israel breching international law and human rights on a daily basis. It has now killed or maimed over 21,000 Palestiniand / Lebanese children — are they to blame for any of this? No, they are not but they are now sentenced to live with missed out schooling, lost parents, orphans, many with lost limbs — amputees — and with what will the life-long trauma of the saverage & barbaric assault on their people and their relatives and friends — all without them having taken any part in it and most almost certainly with no comprehension as to why they have been caused to suffer in this way.

People in the occupied territories have no reasonable choice. There is nowhere for them to flee. The nations that have the strength and technology and force and funds to help them have been notably absent or silent, save for blatant hypocritical nonsense.

Palestinians are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.

If they follow the illegal instructions of the Israeli’s to move to ‘safe zones’, (some having done so many times), they then find that it is an illusion for those ‘safe zones’ are not — they are bombed and invaded just as readily as anywhere else. If they stay where they are and where they have a right to be, they are bombed anyway.

Netanyahu is a criminal in the manner of the criminals of WWII and since.
Israel is a paria state and ought to suffer the consequences of that perfidy.
Israel is THE terrorist organisation that ought to be condemned.

How long must it be before World forces put a stop to this insanity?

Photo by Şeyma D.:



Roger Hawcroft

Expat Tyke in Australia. Dismayed & depressed at World conflict/poverty/disadvantage/hatred. Buoyed by music, art, literature, nature, animals & birds.